

Call, write or email. We’d love to hear from you.

By phone

Call us on +252 65 300 002

  • Saturday to Thursday from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM

If you are calling from outside the Somaliland, please call  +252 65 300 002

Please note the time difference when you are calling from abroad. (UTC +3)


You can follow and interact with us through our social media pages 

Complaints procedure

For more information about Dahabshil Bank's complaints procedure, click here.

General enquiries

For general inquiries and PR information, click here.

Apply online

If you do not have an existing account with Dahabshil Bank, you can apply online through our secure E-banking.

Apply now

Access and manage your account with us easier now with our E-banking features

Sign in to E-banking 

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